Last year my girls showed up at Vision Fest due to a lack of childcare. Josh really wanted to experience the event. He’s such a supportive hubby but I digress. While the girls were hanging out watching tv, they eventually came out to see exactly what we were doing. After seeing all the tearing, cutting, gluing and painting they demanded that they be allowed to partake. I honestly didn’t have the heart to say no.
Once they got situated and ready to create they asked, so what exactly are we making – what do we do? Hmmm… good question. My forte is teaching adults not children, so my go-to tactics were not going to work here. Instead, I gave them one simple prompt, find images that make you happy and together we created Happy Boards.
As Maddy and I chatted while looking at her 2019 board, she shared with me that the board reflected several key happy moments from the last year.