Become a Certified Medical Qigong Movement Facilitator

Transform your energy—and the lives of others—with Medical Qigong

The Medical Qigong Movement Facilitator Certification is a comprehensive training designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to balance your own energy and guide others through powerful healing Qigong practices. This program provides a solid foundation in Medical Qigong, offering a unique opportunity to explore energetic anatomy, the Five Element theory, and advanced techniques that promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

This certification equips you to lead Medical Qigong flows and offer personalized prescription exercises, empowering others to take control of their healing. While this program does not qualify you to conduct client table sessions at this stage, it lays the foundation for deeper therapeutic work in future training levels.

Course Overview

Explore the foundations of Medical Qigong, its history, and principles while gaining a deep understanding of Qi (life force energy). Learn how Qi flows through the body and influences physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, forming the basis for holistic health.

Understand the energetic blueprint formed during embryonic development and how it shapes the human body’s subtle energy systems, including meridians, dantians, and energy points. Explore the interaction of Qi with organs, tissues, and functions, and articulate the significance of the Three Bodies and their energetic connection to the Three Worlds in maintaining health and vitality.

Explore the Five Elements (Metal, Water, Earth, Fire, and Wood) and their connections to the internal organs and channels, focusing on their role in cultivating resilience, adaptability, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Learn to differentiate between Yang and Yin organs/channels and understand the Five Phase Energy Manifestations. Examine the cycles of creation and control to interpret their influence on internal organ and channel energy, promoting harmony within the body.

Discover the transformative practices of Chinese alchemy, focusing on refining Qi for personal evolution and spiritual development. Begin your Dao Yin practice to regulate and enhance the flow of Qi, while mastering key foundational techniques such as the Wuji Posture for energetic balance and the Natural Breathing Method. Gain proficiency in applying these techniques and understand when they should be practiced or avoided.

Discover the transformative practices of Chinese alchemy, focusing on refining Qi for personal evolution and spiritual development. Begin your Dao Yin practice to regulate and enhance the flow of Qi, while mastering key foundational techniques such as the Wuji Posture for energetic balance and the Natural Breathing Method. Gain proficiency in applying these techniques and understand when they should be practiced or avoided.

Master the Six Healing Sounds corresponding to the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, and spleen, learning how they release stagnant Qi and promote emotional balance. Explore each organ’s energetic function—detoxification, emotional flexibility, immunity, courage, joy, and digestion. Demonstrate the Old Man Searching for the Reflection of the Moon exercise, understanding its applications and contraindications, while also learning when and how to apply each of the Healing Sound Exercises for optimal energetic balance.

Learn and practice the 1-10 Meditation technique, designed to harmonize the mind and body. Understand its importance in enhancing mental clarity and emotional regulation, and gain proficiency in demonstrating this powerful tool for maintaining energetic balance.

Master techniques for purging excess energy, tonifying depleted energy, and maintaining energetic balance. Practice key exercises such as Dredging the Channels, Counter Swing, Dropping Post, Tossing Out Sick Qi, and Trembling Horse, understanding their applications and contraindications. Explore the Daoist Five Yang and Yin Organ Exercises, learning how to modify them for specific clinical conditions. Additionally, gain proficiency in the Golden Ball Regulation Exercises and the Microcosmic Orbit, focusing on their energetic significance and appropriate use.

Master the Five Stages of Healing—purging, tonifying, regulating, balancing, and integrating—from a Daoist perspective. Learn how to assess energetic imbalances and prescribe tailored Qigong exercises for clients. Engage in case study practice to refine your skills, and design personalized Medical Qigong workouts for yourself and others, aligning with individual constitutions and goals.

Who This Course Is For...

Energy Practitioners

Whether you are a healer or wellness professional, this certification enhances your ability to integrate Medical Qigong into your practice.

Qigong Teachers

Expand your existing practice by incorporating a medical approach to your Qigong flows, enhancing the healing potential for your students.

Yoga Instructors, Pilates Teachers, and Fitness Leaders

Offer Qigong as a healing and balancing practice, adding variety and depth to your classes.

Health and Wellness Coaches

Add a powerful tool to your toolkit, enabling you to help clients connect deeply with their energy and well-being.

Leaders and HR Professionals

Gain foundational knowledge to navigate workplace energies, enhancing your ability to create balanced and harmonious work environments.

Individuals on a Healing Journey

Learn to balance your own energy and help others along the way with powerful techniques rooted in ancient wisdom.

Course Details

The course is offered in a hybrid model, allowing you to choose between attending in-person, online, or a combination of both, based on what works best for your schedule and learning style. This flexibility ensures that you can fully engage with the material, regardless of your location. All sessions are recorded, so you’ll have access to replays for any content you miss or wish to review.

For those attending in person, classes are held at the HRart Center in Monarch Mills, York, PA. Our facility is designed to offer a peaceful, healing environment where you can connect with like-minded practitioners and immerse yourself in the Qigong experience. Ample parking and accommodation suggestions will be provided for those traveling to attend.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive the Medical Qigong Movement Facilitator Certification. This certification recognizes your expertise in balancing energy, leading Medical Qigong workouts, and prescribing personalized practices for others. While this stage does not qualify you to conduct client table sessions, it establishes a solid foundation for more advanced Medical Qigong training in the future.

The program is designed to be thorough yet manageable. You will participate in hands-on learning sessions and complete a series of journal entries, quizzes, and written exams to reinforce your understanding.

In total, you should expect to dedicate approximately 20 hours to coursework-related activities beyond attending the training modules, including:

  • Journal entries that allow you to reflect on your personal energy journey and track your progress.
  • Quizzes and exams that test your knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of Medical Qigong.
  • Practice assessments where you’ll demonstrate your ability to guide others through Qigong workouts and prescribe personalized exercises.

The course is divided into 9 modules, each focusing on a critical aspect of Medical Qigong. These modules will be scheduled over the span of several weeks/months, allowing you time to digest and apply what you’ve learned. 

  • Module 1: Introduction to Medical Qigong and Qi
    • Friday, October 11th, 2024 // 1-2 PM EST
  • Module 2: Energetic Development, Anatomy, and Physiology
    • Friday, October 11th, 2024 // 2-4 PM EST
  • Module 3: Five Element Constitutions and Energetic Cycles
    • Saturday, October 12th, 2024 // 9-12 PM EST
  • Module 4: Chinese Alchemy and Dao Yin Training
    • Friday, October 25th, 2024 // 1-4 PM EST
  • Module 5: Building a Strong Energetic Foundation
    • Saturday, October 26th, 2024 // 9-12 PM EST
  • Module 6: Healing Sounds and Organ Energetics
    • Friday, November 8th, 2024 // 1-4 PM EST
  • Module 7: 1-10 Meditation for Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance
    • Saturday, November 9th, 2024 // 9-12 PM EST
  • Module 8: Purging, Tonifying, and Daoist Organ & Regulation Exercises
    • Friday, November 15th, 2024 // 1-4 PM EST
  • Module 9: Healing Stages, Prescribing Exercises, and Personal Practice Design 
    • Saturday, November 16th, 2024 // 9-12 PM EST

For those attending online, a stable internet connection and a computer or tablet are required to participate in live classes and access course materials. You’ll receive access to a private online portal where all course resources, recordings, and discussion boards are available for your reference.


Upon successful completion of the program, you will receive the Medical Qigong Movement Facilitator Certification. This certification recognizes your expertise in balancing energy, leading Qigong workouts, and prescribing personalized practices for others. While this certification does not qualify you to conduct table sessions at this stage, it builds a solid foundation for more advanced Medical Qigong training, preparing you for future therapeutic work.

Connect, Learn, and Heal - Start Your Certification Today!

The full investment for the Medical Qigong Movement Facilitator Certification is $500. To make this journey more accessible, we offer flexible payment plans so you can start your training without financial stress. To make arrangements for a payment plan please email, [email protected].