In this category, you’ll find insights and practices that help you balance and restore your energy, addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.
As an HR Practitioner obsessed with the dilemma surrounding the disengagement of workforces within organizations, I have been on a quest to find answers. It was on this quest that I discovered Qigong (pronounced chee-gong). See this quest began from a practical professional place but what I quickly found was that it was an extremely personal journey. My obsession with disengagement came from a place of desperation. I wanted to know the answers in hopes to avoid my own personal disengagement. I had begun establishing a track record of personally disengaging from workplaces and now that I was out on my own. I had no employer to blame for my unhappiness or level of satisfaction, that blame could only go one place on me.
I’ve come to the conclusion that solving disengagement, is more about healing individuals, establishing a new definition of work-life balance and embracing the magic. But before I lose you, this post is not going to dive into that heavy topic. I’d like to first introduce you to Qigong from a practical professional place just like how I began this whole journey.
This October marks the five-year anniversary of the start of my entrepreneurial adventure. I could have never imagined the magnitude of this journey when it began. See this adventure is much more than just building a business (which is huge in itself), see it was the start of some much needed inner work. Inside of me, there was some serious healing to do, years of emotional trauma piled on by the damaging distraction of constant high professional demands. This mixture left me completely disconnected and disengaged. I found myself wandering through the days questioning if I was worth anything at all. I was convinced professional aspirations, even at times, life aspirations were pointless.
When it comes to the world of business, logic is a must. We can’t make decisions strictly off of feelings, we need facts, data, and spreadsheets. But I guess my question to you is, why can’t we make decisions off of feelings? Sure, I get it, it’s massively uncomfortable. The amount of risk seems daunting because there isn’t logic to make the decision safe. However, if we go back through history, I am pretty sure the game changers in this world are game changers because they made a decision based off of a feeling.
For most, work and stress go hand-in-hand. Stress itself is not bad, but stress in extreme doses on a consistent basis is when the problems begin. And since stress is commonly directly tied to our work, we compensate by taking care of ourselves less and tell ourselves to just push through resulting in a life set on the constant setting of survival mode. A life that isn’t much fun to live.
Three years ago when I decided to start my consulting business, I realized that I would need someone else to help guide me in that process. That’s why I looked for a coach. You may find yourself in a major life transition and partnering with a coach will be a way to help you navigate that big change.
Okay so the image and title of this post sounds horrid. I thought that too when this concept was introduced to me this past week by Dr. Brené Brown herself.…
This past weekend was Vision Fest 2019. For four years now, we have been coming together to create Vision Boards with new found clarity about our year to come. It is hands down my favorite event that we host at Leadership Arts.
As with all of our programming, I am always constantly re-evaluating to ensure that we deliver the absolute best! As a result, Vision Fest has had quite an evolution and after experiencing this year’s Vision Fest I had a few takeaways that I would like to implement for next year.
2018 seemed to just wiz by. Before I knew it, it was over. Yesterday I partook in an annual ritual of reflection, to pay respect to all that manifested this past year. As I journeyed back to January, I was overwhelmingly humbled by how amazing 2018 truly was.
Instagram has a #tradition of reviewing the year by sharing nine images. Curating my nine images served as the starting point to my reflective practice and despite the fact that I did manage to select nine images, I came to the realization that there were many more moments that deserved acknowledgment.
Do you brood? Unfortunately, I believe this is a skill set that I have mastered over the course of my life. Being detailed-oriented is commonly a skill that I lack,…
Last week I had the honor and privilege of speaking at my first national conference in Boston. It was an incredible milestone for me and I knew this going into the opportunity. However, I didn’t fully comprehend what this milestone meant to me until we were leaving. In fact, it was actually on the Uber ride to the airport that the significance of this event hit me.