What Soul Senses Are Activating While You Dream?

We are closing out our month on dreams, talking about how our intuitive senses come alive in our dreams. 

“Recognize the gifts you have acquired throughout this lifetime and others. It is time to remember those lessons you’ve learned on your soul path in order to bring them into the present for the highest good of all concerned.”

-Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue

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Are Your Dreams Revealing Your Soul’s Path?

This month we’ve already chatted about the reason dreams occur as well as touched on literal translations of the symbolism that occurs in dreams. Now I want to take three giant steps backward and look at dreams from a big picture point of view. Let’s go beyond the reason they occur and move towards their purpose. 

“Trust your instincts and your ability to know, see, feel, and hear the prophetic messages that are coming to you now from the Divine.”

-Doreen Virtue & Melissa Virtue

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