Experience Healing Together
Through Qigong

Our Online Community

Crafted around the principles of Medical Qigong prescriptions, our guided meditations and exercises are tailored to empower you to let go of old emotions, rebuild your energy reserves, and achieve a sense of balance in your work and life at last. Welcome to our online Qigong community, where healing isn’t just an individual journey, but a collective experience.

Our Weekly Schedule

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Qigong Community Cultivation Class with Samm

This is a beginner-friendly virtual Qigong exercise class. These slow fluid movements facilitate healing by balancing an individual’s energy or electromagnetic field with the overall goal to correct energetic imbalances and blockages. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, nervous system, and immune system. Qigong stimulates the release of deep-seated emotions and stress, and generally results in a relaxed and calm state.

Qigong Community Cultivation Class with Steph

This is a beginner-friendly virtual Qigong exercise class. These slow fluid movements facilitate healing by balancing an individual’s energy or electromagnetic field with the overall goal to correct energetic imbalances and blockages. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, nervous system, and immune system. Qigong stimulates the release of deep-seated emotions and stress, and generally results in a relaxed and calm state.

Qigong Meditation Class with Samm

In this 30-minute Qigong Meditation class, centered on grounding, enhancing energetic awareness and honing your ability to guide your internal energy flow. Experience the power of centering, cultivate heightened sensitivity, and deepen your connection within.

Dream Qigong with Samm

Dream Qigong is a practice designed for complete relaxation. In this session, you’ll be comfortably lying down, simply listening and allowing the power of Qi to guide you into a state of deep rest. Join us for a practice that requires only your presence, creating a space for relaxation and rejuvenation. Allow the gentle energy to guide you into a tranquil state of being as you embark on this conscious journey within. Sweet dreams await as you surrender to the restorative power of Qigong.

Qigong Healing Sounds Class with Samm

Qigong Healing Sounds are a powerful tool for releasing stuck emotions within specific parts of your body. This is a form of sound healing that uses different vibrations and sounds to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Together as a group, we’ll explore the unique sounds associated with different organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Pricing Options

We’re committed to making Qigong accessible to as many people as possible, which is why we’re keeping our introductory rates low. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience the benefits of Qigong practice.

Start Your Healing Journey With Qigong