In this category, you’ll find insights and practices that help you balance and restore your energy, addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.

Three “Qualities” of a Manager that Make Me Nervous

1. Striving For Perfection

Okay let’s drop the fancy terms, this typically is the manager that believes they don’t need professional advice from someone in the HR or OD industry. According to them, they have already seen and heard it all.

Here’s the thing about people who view themselves as what I am loosely referring to as “perfect”…

They tend to be:

  • all or nothing
  • all about the goal
  • about outward appearances
  • about what we “technically” do

This would be great if business was stagnant and people were predictable (it’s not and they’re not).


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Is Loving What You Do Enough?

At home, above my desk hangs a sign that in bold letters displays “do what you (insert heart here).” For a long time, I found it inspirational. I’m guessing that is more than likely the sole reason why I purchased it in the first place.

Recently, I find myself gazing at it and wondering is that really enough? I ask this because I know 100% that I absolutely love what I do. I couldn’t imagine really doing anything else. I say realistically because periodically I dream of owning a donut shop where I would have unlimited access to the warm donuts right out of the fryer to my liking. Hint: This girl loooves her donuts.


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A Work-Life Balance Wake-Up Call

Wednesday I got the “dreaded” phone call from my daughter’s daycare. Parents with children can probably relate, the call that informs you that your daughter has a fever and must be picked up immediately and cannot return until she has not had a fever for 24 hours. This phone call always equals frustration and anxiety for me because what it literally translates to is: plan on leaving work early, plan on not being at work tomorrow and possibly the day after, decide if your child must see the doctor and/or find a sitter for the times that you have a previous engagement that you cannot get out of that is occurring in less than 24 hours. Now I know I might have a mild form of obsessive-compulsive behavior, because I like to plan. I specifically like to know how much time I have available to complete my tasks and projects. When that time is snatched away in a manner that is beyond my control, I enter Camp Unhappy.


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