All is Well in Alignment

Today is Vision Fest 2021!

The day when we come together an engage in a process that I’ve come to call, creating Connected Canvases. This practice has become an essential tool for me staying in alignment with my Connected Path. Today, I am going to share this practice with you! We’re chatting about this and so much more, on this episode of The HRart Rise Morning Show. See you on the LIVE side!


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Less is More

I’ve spent most of my life believing that part of becoming an adult was magnifying the complexity in my life.

Success was directly correlated to how much I had to do or was needed. When I was first introduced to the true philosophies behind Yin and Yang, and the idea of achieving inner harmony – my mind was blown and then I found myself completely lost. It made sense but was so counteractive to how I lived, so where to begin – how do we go back? We’re chatting about this and so much more, on this episode of The HRart Rise Morning Show.


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Joy as a Priority

Is the joy filled path the one that can make dreams come true?

Aren’t joy and happiness the same thing? Aren’t some joyful action a legit waste of time, like seriously unproductive? We’re chatting about this and so much more, on this episode of The HRart Rise Morning Show. See you on the LIVE side!


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