4 Gifts for Yourself

‘Tis the season, where your inbox is full of gift guides. And I’m not going to lie, I take a gander at each one as I am on the hunt for the perfect gift for the loved ones in my life. However, this has resulted in me finding myself more gifts than gifts for other people. Ironically, this has been the first time in a long time, that I actually allowed myself to be a bit selfish this season. Historically, this has always been the time of year where my tendency to put others’ needs before my own escalates rather quickly, arguably to unhealthy levels. Then I essentially crash and burn as soon as we ring in the new year. 

This year, I entered the season with an intention to remain present. This intention was an absolute need, after reviewing my calendar for December after Thanksgiving triggered a minor anxiety attack. A season commonly associated with being filled with joy and love can quickly transform into a feeling of being disconnected as we become consumed with the high demands of holiday to-dos. We disconnect as a coping strategy in hopes that the extra stress doesn’t absorb us completely. We disassociate so that we don’t have to feel the stress and possibly frustration for having to take on so many tasks for what we view as so little in return. 

But to fully enjoy all the blessings that come with this season, we must find our way back to ourselves. We must be able to ground ourselves and be present to feel all the joy and love that truly does surround us at this moment.

All this has inspired me to share four gifts with you. Four is a magical number. If you believe in angels, they say that the number 4 represents that they are with you. The number 4 is sent to reassure you that that they’ve heard your prayers and are helping you. These 4 gifts have each been powerful tools in my life and I hope that they will serve you as well. Enjoy!

Image of "The Slight Edge", a book by Jeff Olson.

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen: This is the book that I recommend to nearly everyone. I believe it provides a powerful foundation for living life intentionally. I’ve often said that if common sense existed (because I don’t believe that it does), that this book would be it in text form. It’s no exaggeration when I say that this book changed my life.

Image of "Super Attractor", book by Gabrielle Bernstein.

Super Attractor by Gabby Bernstein: Gabby Bernstein has been one of my Spiritual Teachers for years. Her latest book was a game-changer and served as an affirmation that I desperately needed. I have personally been working hard to awaken the core of who I really am and gain the confidence to do the work I feel compelled to share with the world. This book resonated so strongly with me and my current path, which leaves me to believe that it would resonate with many of you as well.

Image of a purple rectangle bolster.

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Image of "Qi Gong: 30-day Challenge", book by Lee Holden.

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