Unstuck U: The Guide to Feeling Forward

In the book, Samm explores disengagement – a neutral term that she says is a symptom that we should be mindful and aware of – and helps readers work through their own situations, whether that means getting motivated in that job again or choosing to leave.

This guide is a reflective journal that captures wisdom from years of coaching clients. It was intentionally created to take you step-by-step through this journey. It was designed to capture your thoughts, feelings, wants and needs along the way.

This journey is driven by intuition and forces you to face what you feel. Even when the feelings presented are counterintuitive to what we were taught is logical.

A mentor of mine once told me that common sense does not exist. This was truly an eye-opening epiphany. The concept of common sense arises out of what our culture believes is logical and therefore it establishes the expectation that external influence is essential to our existence. This has allowed the idea of common sense to become a sort of fundamental foundation. We are social creatures (much like the flamingo) and we need human interaction. External influence is inevitable but it only feeds our soul when we still have the ability to hear our own voice first and foremost.

Intuitively, you know you were feeling the flamingo and you know this majestic bird was calling you. This program was meant for you. You found the flamingo at the exact moment you were meant to.

Put your resistance and hesitance aside. Trust yourself and let’s get you unstuck.

This book will guide you...

Picture of Samm Smeltzer holding Unstuck U book
Unstuck U front cover image

About the author

Samm Smeltzer thought she had everything she wanted at her job. But when she gave birth to her first daughter, working long hours and not having a personal life weren’t as easy to gloss over.  

“I never had time with her,” she says. “I was blaming myself saying I was a bad mom.”

Samm became disengaged with her job. She needed more of a work-life balance and wasn’t going to find it there. She felt stuck.

Today, Samm lives a transformed life. She’s the CEO of Leadership Arts Associates, an HR firm that transforms organizations and enhances performance using creativity. She recognizes that managing, leading and running a business is an art. And its transformation as an art that led her to a fulfilling life.

It’s why she just finished writing a book called “Unstuck U” that guides people who have found themselves similarly stuck at work, as she did years ago.

“The book is for people who feel lost or disconnected, wondering how they ended up on their professional path,” Samm says. “It’s dedicated to the professional whose childhood dreams slowly died and helping them to get back there.”

Living a Connected Life

In the book, Samm explores disengagement – a neutral term that she says is a symptom that we should be mindful and aware of – and helps readers work through their own situations, whether that means getting motivated in that job again or choosing to leave.

“Unstuck U” works through a theory called the Four Ways of Knowing – describing the process of knowing or learning from an experience. It explores one of the most skipped ways – presentational knowing – and pushes to revisit life experiences, letting the reader break down false notions that lead to disengagement in the workplace.

“I hope readers achieve clarity of what it feels like to live a connected life,” Samm says. “A connected life is when we know we are a part of something bigger.”

The catch, she says, is that whatever that something bigger might be is defined by you as you find the answers within.

“It’s this feeling that is identified specifically through this program that ultimately empowers readers to stay on the path to the life they always wanted.”

Written By: Anthony Machcinski, Our York Media

The Unstuck U Method is all about moving towards intentional employee engagement, learn more below…

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